Women in Orthopaedics

Derya Akbaba’s unfolding journey of transformation – from observing a total hip arthroplasty as a fifth year medical student to orthopaedic residency

Derya Akbaba
SICOT Associate Member

Read Derya Akbaba’s unfolding journey of transformation – from observing a total hip arthroplasty as a fifth-year medical student to orthopaedic residency!

The dawn of a new era: diversity symposia at the SICOT Congress

​Temiloluwa Olufemi (Nigeria)
SICOT Associate Member
SICOT WiO Blog Lead

Diversity, equity and inclusion have caused a paradigm shift worldwide. Sadly, most organizations only pay lip service by ‘talking the talk’ without ‘walking the walk’. As the leading international orthopaedic organization, SICOT featured the inaugural diversity symposium at the 2022 SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress (OWC) in Kuala Lumpur with resounding feedback.

A letter of courage

When last did you read a ‘real’ letter?... Join us to read this courageous letter by an anonymous female orthopaedic surgeon in Turkey as she recounts the events 6 February 2023 (English translation by Ece Nur Cinar).


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