Board of Subspecialties (BOSS)

The future of orthopaedics lies with the subspecialties. They should be a thrust area for SICOT and one in which SICOT should excel. SICOT subspecialties should be represented by the best international specialty experts. That would be the SICOT of the future! The Board of Subspecialties represents all subspecialties and the best of SICOT specialty education and training. It influences the minds of young orthopaedic surgeons who need a direction into the subspecialties whilst still catering to the needs of a well-grounded general orthopaedic surgeon. SICOT subspecialties are global and not regional. All subspecialty committees fall under BOSS and report to the President Elect as the designated head of BOSS. BOSS liaises with all academies and councils of SICOT.

Advantages of having the specialties together include:

  1. Coordinated efforts of having a specialty curriculum
  2. Educational efforts of a similar nature and direction
  3. Development of training programmes, fellowships, courses and discussion groups
  4. Hosting of specialty meetings and conferences in different parts of the world
  5. Empower higher training and certification in the subspecialties

BOSS, through its head, the SICOT President Elect, is responsible for:

  1. Coordinating all the subspecialties
  2. Development of subspecialty curriculum
  3. Subspecialty educational programmes, courses, cadaveric courses and discussion groups
  4. Subspecialty meetings and conferences
  5. Training programmes and fellowships
  6. Certification
  7. Subspecialty content of SICOT Diploma Exams or higher specialised exams
  8. Higher subspecialty exam to recognise training and knowledge assessment and certification in each subspecialty

If you would like to contact any of the chairs or vice-chairs below, please send an email to [email protected].

BOSS Chair (2024-2026)

Hatem Said (Egypt)

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