About Cape Town Click here to get useful information about the beautiful city of Cape Town and what it has to offer. More information can also be found on the Cape Town Tourism website.
Accommodation Various hotels close to the convention centre are available to delegates. Early booking is recommended. 
Accompanying Persons Tours Day tours in and around beautiful Cape Town have been arranged during the Congress. 
Post-congress tours have also been arranged for those who have time to explore some of the wonderful areas within South Africa. In addition to these organised tours, assistance can be provided with any tailor-made travel itineraries you may want to explore. 

Visas & Travel Information Visas: It is the responsibility of the delegates to ensure that they have obtained a valid visa and travel documentation for themselves and any accompanying persons, in order to attend the Cape Town Congress. Detailed information about visas can be found here (pdf). For more information about visa requirements for entry into South Africa, please click here. Invitation letters for delegates: There is a link to an invitation letter at the bottom of the confirmation email which all participants receive once they have registered online. Please note that this letter is only accessible to participants who have paid their registration. Travel information: South Africa travel information can be found here (pdf). |