A combined meeting with the Pan Arab Orthopaedic Association
4-7 December 2019 – Muscat, Oman
Check out some of the photos here...
A Post-Congress Newsletter will be published soon.
Don't miss it!

It is a great honour for me, as President of the 41st SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Budapest to welcome all of you who are thinking of taking this academic tour to Central Europe again following a really successful event in Prague in 2011. Participants who are coming to Budapest, our capital, for the first time, are going to experience a friendly atmosphere in a city with plenty of historical heritage. Budapest was voted the second most beautiful city in the world in 2017 and 2018 and received the European Best Destination prize in 2019. You will have the opportunity to see the Blue Danube separating Buda from Pest and climb the Gellért hill from which all the bridges and main buildings are visible. What an unforgettable experience! There are so many good reasons to attend this important event beyond the scientific part of the conference.
Concerning the scientific part of this Congress, the instructional programme is already being organised by myself and the Programme Chair. In 2020 the Educational Day is going to centre on the ’Shoulder & Elbow’ and we will be reprising the very popular Cadaver Labs. Invitations have already been sent to the Plenary Speakers and Keynote Lecturers in different subjects. Besides the key opinion leaders, free paper sessions, workshops and ’Just-A-Minute’ presentations will be put together. Young orthopaedic surgeons are warmly welcomed, and we invite you to take part in our popular SICOT Diploma Exam in 2020.
From the moment we first knew that the Congress would be held in Hungary, we began preparing something special. We have been translating a magnificent book on the History of Hungarian Orthopaedics from 1836 to 2008, and we have now added our orthopaedic history up to 2020. When you read this new version of the book you will be able to explore the past and present of Hungarian orthopaedics and learn about nearly 200 years of Hungarian excellence in the field.
As President of the Congress, together with the members of Programme and Organising Committee, I guarantee that you will not regret attending this multi-faceted event.
See you in Budapest in September 2020!
SICOT Congress in Malaysia 2022! Looking forward to having you
by Jeihinn Subramaniam & Gandhi Nathan Solayar
At the recent SICOT meeting in Muscat, it was decided that the 2022 congress will be held for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, or KL to the locals. Malaysia is no stranger to organising meetings and conferences in the past, both in the medical field as well as international organisations. Kuala Lumpur is regularly chosen to host the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA), ASEAN Orthopaedic Association as well as the local Malaysian Orthopaedic Association meetings over the past years with great success. What can the future SICOT delegate look forward to during the congress in 3 years’ time? Read more...
Report on the SICOT Cadaveric Course 2019
by Tak Man Wong
With the success of the SICOT cadaveric courses over the past few years, a fourth SICOT cadaveric course was held on 29-31 August 2019 in Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme this time was upper limb periarticular fractures repair and ligament reconstruction. The course was designed to those practising surgeons who wanted to subspecialise in upper limb trauma. Read more...
Autotransplantation of mesenchymal stem cells in femoral head osteonecrosis
by Alexander E. Murzich
Surgical treatment of femoral head osteonecrosis is preferable at the early stages in order to preserve the structure and function of the hip joint especially in young patients aged 25–45 years. A reduction in the activity of osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are considered precursors of osteoblasts in the femoral head have been associated with the pathogenesis of osteonecrosis. In fact, there is complete absence of MSCs in the necrotic lesion itself and significant reduction in the number of cells in the proximal part of the femur adjacent to the area of necrosis. Read more...
The History of Casting
by Ahmed H. Abdelazeem
Wherever an orthopaedic surgeon is, you will hear the likes of cast, plaster and splints. Casting is an important tool in managing various types of fractures. Suffice to say that the history of casts is the history of orthopaedic practice. Its history and development are very interesting and full of stories to be told during different eras. Read more...
SICOT Global Network of e-Learning - SIGNEL

Article of the Month: International Orthopaedics Journal
Diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasmal septic arthritis: a systematic review
by Chen Y, Huang Z, Fang X, Li W, Yang B, Zhang W
Purpose: Septic arthritis caused by Mycoplasma is rare. The diagnosis and effective treatment of mycoplasmal septic arthritis remains a serious problem for clinicians. The aim of this systematic review was to document the available evidence on the diagnosis and treatment methods for mycoplasmal septic arthritis and to provide guidance for clinicians. Read more...
Article of the Month: SICOT-J
Is dual cup mobility better than hemiarthroplasty in patients with dementia and femoral neck fracture? A randomized controlled trial
by Raffaele Iorio, Ferdinando Iannotti, Daniele Mazza, Attilio Speranza, Carlo Massafra, Matteo Guzzini, Carmelo D’Arrigo and Andrea Ferretti
Purpose: Treatment of patients with dementia and hip fracture is challenging. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) with dual mobility cup (DMC) has been designed to reduce the rate of dislocation by increasing the stability of the implant. This study aimed to compare the dislocation rates of DMC THA with hemiarthroplasty (HA) in elderly patients with displaced femoral neck fracture (FNF) and a diagnosis of dementia. Read more...
SICOT Travelling Fellowships
Every year, SICOT offers young surgeons three-month fellowships to visit an internationally renowned orthopaedic centre. The aim is to improve knowledge and surgical skills. Deadline: 31 December 2019 - Read more...
Check out all the fellowships that SICOT has to offer here!
Interim Editorial Secretary: Mohamed Sukeik
Associate Editor: Ahmed Abdel Azeem
Editorial Production: Linda Ridefjord
Editorial Board: Temiloluwa Olufemi, Gandhi Solayar & Pavel Volotovski
SICOT aisbl, Rue de la Loi 26-b.13, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 648 68 23 | E-mail: [email protected] | Website: www.sicot.org
Some of the views and information expressed in this e-Newsletter include external contributors whose views are not necessarily those of SICOT. SICOT is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.