SICOT Around the World
Primary & Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Course 2019

The SICOT Marmara University Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Courses have been conducted for the last 2 consecutive years. The first primary and revision THA course was conducted in September 2018 followed by a primary and revision TKA course in March 2019. The second primary and revision THA course was recently conducted between 6-7 September 2019, at the Marmara University cadaveric lab.
The courses are designed for practising surgeons who want to specialise in primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty surgery. They are conducted over two days; the first day is dedicated for primary and the second day for revision surgery. A variety of learning modules are utilised over the two days including lectures, interactive case discussions in small groups, video sessions for surgical techniques, expert panel discussions of complex cases and each day is concluded with cadaveric hands on sessions.
The courses have attracted a lot of international participants from more than 20 countries attending each course. The courses provide a unique platform to exchange the diverse experiences from different backgrounds and practices.
Excellent educational skills of experts in the field of arthroplasty and the support from the most global orthopaedic society, SICOT, give an exceptional value to these Istanbul Arthroplasty Courses.
We are honoured to serve the orthopaedic community globally and are looking forward to hosting these courses on an annual basis. We hope to meet where the continents meet in the vibrant city of Istanbul!
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